Why Your Business Should Have A Blog

It doesn’t matter what industry your company is in, a helpful blog can be really beneficial to any business. Trust us, we say this from experience. At Bookmark, we love using this blog to help business owners gain the knowledge they need to build and grow their online presence.
Your blog post doesn’t even need to be limited to your industry. It can serve to provide wellness tips, general business advice, or must-know upcoming trends, for example. Blogs like this promote your brand’s visibility and also shows your customers that you care about them enough to step outside of your comfort zone to help them along their journey.
There are endless benefits to having a blog attached to your business, and some are much more obvious than others. Many people think that nowadays blogs are outdated, but that is simply not true. Today, we’re going to uncover 5 key reasons why your business should have a blog in 2021.
Blogs Help You Become A Thought Leader
Odds are the way that you’ve positioned yourself already gives your customers the idea that you are an expert on your products. However, a thoughtful and frequently updated blog can address issues beyond your product or services.
Blogs show that you’re capable of going beyond your business and have a valuable point of view on the industry as a whole. This actively demonstrates to customers that your industry expertise is enough to solve their problems.
What exactly does it mean to have a point of view beyond your brand’s product or services? Well for example, if you own a contracting company you can speak to more than just home renos. You should create a blog post that speaks to design trends, safety regulations, even DIY projects that your customers can do without having to pay for your service. Again, this shows your customers that you’re willing to go above and beyond for them in ways that are selfless.
Increase Brand Visibility And Trust
Your customers have concerns and questions. They always will, it’s the way humans are. Having a blog allows you to be proactive in answering or solving their concerns. By blogging about issues that are important to your customers, it shows them that you truly care about their problems. When you care about their problems, they will trust you more. And what do people do with brands that they trust? They shop with them and become a part of their lifelong community.
Another huge reason you should be adding a blog to your site is because of the increased visibility you will receive from it. The reason blogs improve your traffic and visibility is simple: it provides more content. When you have more content, you simply have more opportunities to show up in search engines and drive organic search traffic to your site. And speaking of SEO…
Blogs Significantly Boost Your SEO
This is probably the most important reason that your business should be blogging. Simply put, businesses that blog rank higher on Google and other popular search engines. If the goal is to attract customers and get your website discovered, blogging is a free and organic way to do just that.
There’s a few ways that writing blogs helps with your brand’s SEO. The first big reason is that it keeps your website active with constant updates. Google and other search engines avoid sending searchers to outdated sites. When you constantly update your blog and post new content, Google’s algorithm recognizes that and sends searchers your way.
Beyond creating new content you can create targeted content. If you’re strategic with using certain phrases, you will improve your Google ranking of keyword searches. So you need to anticipate what key words your audience will search and incorporate those words or phrases into your blogs.
For example, if you’re a company that sells flowers, you want your business to come up when people search anything regarding flowers. Phrases like “where to buy flowers”, “how do I plant flowers”, “what are the best flowers for my climate”, etc. Working those phrases into your blogs will have your site come up when people search them.

Increase Traffic And Gain Customers
It’s hard to argue with numbers. Businesses that blog post on average receive 55% more website traffic than those who don’t. Some of the traffic that your blog post receives comes from existing customers, but blogs are great ways to pull new people in as well. For example, if someone finds your blog via a Google search, there’s one more reader (and potential customer) that you wouldn’t have had otherwise.
Once you have new eyes looking at your business, you’re one step closer to bringing in a new customer. Your blog also acts as a 24/7 customer support or sales person that can provide valuable information and insights about your products and industry. This will help potential customers make decisions that they wouldn’t have been able to make without this information available.
Blogs Create Endless Sharable Content
Your business is on other platforms beyond its own site. These platforms for the most part are professional social media pages, and those pages are constantly in need of fresh content for your followers to engage with.
Blog posts are perfect for creating engaging content. You can look at your social media calendar and write around what is coming up and relevant for your audience. You can link directly to your site on every post that goes out on your social media channels, and you can also use quotes, pictures or screenshots to engage your customers.
Blogs are very important for your business. They keep people engaged and coming back to your site. You reading this sentence is proof of it working for us, and it can work for you too. If you have any questions about blog writing or running an online business, please feel free to reach out to us directly. Bookmark’s platform offers a great blog feature to help bring your ideas into the world.
Otherwise, stay tuned for our weekly blog post. Especially now that you have a better idea of how they work.

Nice post . This is really helpful.