Community Questions

Media Query and Mobile Styling


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On Aug 6, 2017 meir wrote:

Hi Bookmark Team, 

I was wondering how I could use media queries or somehow style for mobile. For instance a background that may work for a desktop layout may not work when the layout changes to mobile. I was trying to use the the custom code module with styling and media queries but they don't seem to be working. 


1 Answer


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On Aug 12, 2017 justincredible wrote:

Hi Meir,

The bookmark platform has built in media queries so if what you are adding to the page is built responsively, it should not effect the ability for the site to layout on any device.  In otherwords, the templates you start with are built mobile first, so they should adapt to whatever screen width. However, when you add things like tables or maps with width in px instead of % widths, be sure to make your code is optimized to widths specified by the device.  If you use Chrome Browser, try a Google Chome addon like Emmet Review to check all devices and in order to ensure you don't break something when you add something new



Either way, you'll see the templates already have media queries.  When you build your own CSS, you will be overridding theirs.

 If you need further help with this let us know.

answered 5 years ago


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