Health and WellnessInspiration and MotivationOnline Business Strategies

Self Care and Mental Health Resources for Small Business Owners

Running a business can be mentally and physically draining, so it’s vital to prioritize self-care as an entrepreneur.   With these resources and some actionable tips, you’ll fight burnout and increase your chances of achieving peak productivity. Learn mindfulness techniques and arm yourself with the right tools to stay mentally sharp.  This post will provide

Health and WellnessOnline Business Strategies

Productivity Tips for Small Business Owners in 2022

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and if there’s one thing every small business owner knows, it’s that running a company can be very overwhelming and stressful. At the end of the day, we can all get caught up in the obstacles we face in our journey towards our goals. The good news is that

Health and WellnessOnline Business Strategies

Stress and Startups 2.0: Tips for Business Owners in 2022

[Reposted and Updated for 2022] When you’re a small business owner, there’s a fine line to balance between working hard and working too hard. Despite startup owners typically being smart, driven, passionate and hard working people, they are just as vulnerable as anyone to stress, anxiety and self doubt. Unfortunately in many cases, stress and startups

Health and WellnessInspiration and Motivation

Solutions to Reduce Stress for Entrepreneurs

As many of you know, the life of an entrepreneur can be really stressful. And although we wish we could tell you it gets easier, with more success comes even more stress and obstacles. Many business owners started their company because they were tired of the 9-5 life, but didn’t fully anticipate owning a business

Health and WellnessOnline Business Strategies

Navigating Stress as a Business Owner During the Holidays

The holiday season can be very stressful.   This year is not exempt. As business owners, we need to worry about the happiness of our families, friends, customers, employees, and potential new leads – all while managing inventory, products, sales, services and more! Phew, I’m exhausted just thinking about it. Running a small business during the

Health and WellnessInspiration and MotivationOnline Business Strategies

5 Health and Wellness Tips to Improve Your Business

We’re back with more wellness tips! Before you ask, yes – it’s that important we always blog about health and wellness! When you’re a business owner, there’s a fine line to balance between working hard and working too hard. Believe it or not, small business owners are just as vulnerable (in many cases even more)

Health and WellnessOnline Business Strategies

How Too Much Screen Time Is Bad For Business

As adults, and especially as business owners, we need to be mindful of the amount of screen time we consume. If you’re an entrepreneur, you probably stare at screens all day. In fact, our modern-day lives call for an unavoidable amount of time on screen-based interactions. Unfortunately, we’ve been told to get the next sale

Health and WellnessInspiration and Motivation

How to Reset Your Brain After a Long Day

Sometimes it can be hard to get your brain off work, especially if there are any stressful or negative things happening at the time. As a small business owner or startup founder, your whole life can be wrapped around your work. Unfortunately, studies have shown, spending more than 55 hours a week at work boosts

Health and WellnessInspiration and Motivation

How to Handle Rejection at Work

Rejection is never easy to discuss and yet so many of us go through it. At work, rejection can lead to us feeling unmotivated, unproductive, and sometimes lose hope. Rejection at a workplace can look like anything, from not receiving an anticipated promotion, losing a client to a competitor, being publicly criticized or blamed for

Health and WellnessInspiration and Motivation

Returning to the (Old) New Normal: Your Back to Work Guide

After 18 months of a pandemic lockdown we are all left with so many questions, one of the main ones being: what will it be like going back to the office? As we transition out of lockdown and back into the office/workplace, there’s a whole lot to think about. This pandemic has affected us all